Review: Come Again by Robert Webb [Romance, Drama]

Rating: 5/5 stars!

I got a signed copy of this because I love Robert Webb as an actor - and of course I was nervous that this wouldn't be as good as I hoped. But thankfully, that turned out to not be the same!

Come Again is ostensibly a romance/drama about a woman who was widowed unexpectedly in her 40s, only to wake up and find herself back in university at the age of 18, about to meet her husband for the first time again.

But it's so much more than that - and actually, that plotline doesn't feature quite as prominently as the blurb implies, but that's in some ways a good thing - because that meant I wasn't expecting the suspense part at all!

Some reviewers have said the suspense element was jarring and felt like two different books collaged together, but I think it worked perfectly; both the main threads of the story were entwined together from the very first chapter.

All in all: Highly recommended!
